Plasmomechanical interpretation of excited inert gas atoms states

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-123-09


Gavrilova A. Y.*, Kuli-zade M. E.**, Cherkasova M. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A plasma-mechanical approach to the problems of gas kinetics has been developed to improve passive optical diagnostic methods. The article considers the solution of quasi-stationary system of equations of radiation-collision model of inert gases low-temperature plasma depending on priority of electronic and photo-processes. The system of linear differential equations of kinetics is being reduced to a matrix form with a non-zero right part, which is being interpreted as an influence factor, for which a relaxation matrix is being introduced. The obtained matrix equation is being solved by iterative methods for the selected final configuration of the inert gas atom levels (argon, xenon, krypton) using various models of influence factors.

If electronic processes are considered as an influence factor, then the calculated dependencies of electron concentration on the total number of nuclei correspond to the state of local thermodynamic equilibrium. Graphically, this dependence on a logarithmic scale is represented by straight lines. The populations of excited levels correspond to the Boltzmann distribution.

If photo-processes are being regarded as an influence factor, then, a deviation from the rectilinear dependence of the electron concentration on the total number of nuclei is being observed in the area of low and high electron concentrations. However, the populations of excited levels still correspond to the Boltzmann distribution.

The dissociative recombination processes addition to the “influence factor” in the case of two-temperature plasma, when the electron temperature is much higher than the temperature of heavy particles, fundamentally changes the character of the diagrams. The article presents diagrams of the metastable states of heavy inert gases, which include a non-traditional hysteresis region. Without accounting for the dissociative recombination, the curves of the metastable state diagram degenerate into a typical dependence.

The meta-equilibrium states diagram is useful for estimates in plasma spectroscopy, as well as for optical diagnostics of plasma flows.


plasmomechanics, plasma of inert gases, the collisional–radiative model, dissociative recombination, a state vector, meta‒equilibrium state diagram


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