Safety system for shredding space debris in orbital conditions

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-04


Barkova M. E.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



The space debris shredding safety system is a fundamental system in the processing of space debris into fuel directly in orbit. This study is devoted to the possibility of testing the technology for processing metallized debris on Earth, as well as the development of the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris. In the wreckage of the stages of rockets, propellant vapors remain, which, if crushed, can provoke an explosion.

The main problem of the article is the development of the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris directly in orbit.

The purpose of this work is to consider ground tests of the technology for processing metallized space debris into fuel.

The relevance of this work lies in the concept of a safety system for shredding space debris directly in orbit.

The most important source of non-fragmentation debris was more than 2,460 firings of solid rocket motors, which released aluminum oxide (Al2O3) in the form of micrometer dust and slag particles ranging in size from mm to cm.

The main cause of in-orbit explosions is due to residual fuel that remains in tanks or fuel lines, or other leftover energy sources that remain on board after a rocket or satellite stage has been dropped into Earth orbit.

These fragmentation events are thought to have generated a population of objects larger than 1 cm, numbering on the order of 900,000. The sporadic flux from natural meteoroids can only dominate the flux from human-made objects near sizes of 0.1-1 mm.


space debris, spacecraft, security system, cooling system, shredding


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