Session based recommender system with multistage candidate sampling

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-20


Mokhov A. I.1*, Kislinskiy V. G.2**, Alekseychuk A. S.1

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia



Understanding users’ preferences is a challenging task especially with a huge amount of items. Modern recommender systems are keen to solve this task by applying state-of-the-art methods of candidate sampling and simple heuristics in couple with Machine Learning ranking algorithms. This paper presents an algorithm of candidate sampling from three different sources followed by a ranking algorithm. These two stages form a session-based recommender system that is capable of building a user’s probable preferences based on its current session. For candidate sampling, we use a language model (Word2Vec) and sparse vectors for item representations, and the most popular items from a dataset. Each stage is divided into multiple substages making it really simple to add new candidate sources or remove existing ones. The same technique can be easily applied to ranking algorithms — one can remove a ranking algorithm or add the new one in order to blend model predictions maximizing Precision or Recall metrics as well. We also show the importance of ranking algorithms in recommender systems by measuring Learning to Rank (L2R) specific metrics on test data. There are several ranking algorithms in this paper. All of them belong to the pairwise algorithms subclass. Such algorithms as LambdaRank, YetiRank, and StochasticRank are used in comparison to non-ranked recommendations. We use CatBoost implementation of gradient boosting and PyTorch to build a neural ranking net. As a result of the experiment, we get a ready end-to-end recommender system pipeline with flexible modules that are easy to add/remove and show the benefits of ranking models with recommendations on real data.


learning to rank, recommender system, machine learning, ranking metrics, CatBoost


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