Improvement of diagnostics of machine mechanisms using non-destructive testing methods

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-23


Travin A. A.*, Kalashnikov E. A.**, Bakradze L. G.***

National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", 4, Leninsky Prospect, Moscow, 119991, Russia



The article tackles the problems of analyzing the industrial machine operation by more correct selection of place for the vibration acceleration control , as well as specially developed methods for spectra processing, The material being proposed describes the solved issue on the sensor positioning for correct vibration measurement and analysis,

The article presents the spectrum, which analysis allowed detecting the signals with frequencies close to each other within the limits of the spectrum analyzer resolution capability. Besides spectrum identification of the direct Fourier transform of the separate links vibration, the common amplitude of its series of oscillations in time applying inverse Fourier transform was employed for each link analysis

To improve diagnostics, the vibration curves during the process were compared with the course of alloy crystallization while industrial experiments on a machine.

To obtain extra data and further improvement of the diagnostics method under consideration, the temperature indicators of the temperature fields were gathered employing the FLIR brand infrared imaging equipment. The obtained data may be significant while the machine significant components state assessing. It is assumed as well that the infrared imaging equipment allows more accurate determining of the sensors location places for vibrations measuring.

The operation of individual machine units is described, as well as general dependence plotting of the total vibration amplitude, its isolation to a large extent and, thus, identification of the work of both mold and rollers, and comparison of the obtained results with the measured spectra.

The article considers the possibilities of computer programs for obtaining general curves of the mold unbalance motion and after further Fourier transform obtaining an excitation spectrum and a response spectrum.

The work describes theoretically the metal melt motion, allowing obtaining a parabolic type differential equation. The equation was solved for the case of a pulsed vibration impact on the melt.


vibration, vibration diagnostics, spectral analysis, production of blanks, crystallization, non-destructive


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