Mathematical modeling of injection of negative ion flux into the wall plasma

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-08


Kotel'nikov V. A.*, Kotelnikov M. V.*, Krylov S. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



To solve the problem of radio communication with hypersonic aircraft, it is proposed to create a radio-transparent channel by injecting a stream of negatively charged ions into the boundary layer. The negative volume charge arising inside the channel primarily displaces lighter negatively charged particles — electrons — from it. The electron concentration decreases, which leads to a weakening of the attenuation of radio waves and radio communication is restored. The positively and negatively charged ions remaining in the channel due to their relatively large mass do not affect the passage of electromagnetic waves.

A computer simulation of the injection of a negative ion flux into a dense plasma has been carried out. In the process of solving the task, the following stages can be distinguished:

  1. Finding the parameters of the background plasma near the surface of a disk with holes for ion injection in the absence of a flow of negative ions from it;
  2. Finding the plasma parameters in the beam-plasma formation after the start of beam injection;
  3. Finding the volt-ampere characteristics of a conductive disk with holes for ion injection.

The mathematical model of the problem at the first stage, taking into account the weak degree of ionization, splits into two independent systems of differential equations for neutral and charged particles.

The electrodynamic part of the problem, taking into account the assumptions made at the first stage, includes the continuity equations for ions and electrons and the Poisson equation for a self-consistent electric field.

The method of sequential iterations over time was used to solve the problem. In this case, the perturbed zone evolves from the initial to the final stationary state. The latter is considered as the desired solution to the problem. The continuity equations for ions and electrons were solved by the Davydov method of large particles, and the Poisson equation by spectral methods in which the desired function decomposes according to the eigenfunctions of the differential operator.

At the second stage, the emission of a stream of negatively charged ions into the space formed at stage 1 begins. The mathematical model of the second stage includes the equation of motion of negative ions, the continuity equations for all charged components and the Poisson equation for a self-consistent electric field. The continuity equations were solved by the Davydov method of large particles, the equation of motion of negative ions — by the arithmetic mean method, the Poisson equation — by spectral methods.

The evolution of ion and electron currents on the probe (stage 3) was traced to their establishment.

The distribution of potential, electron concentration and concentration of negative ions along the beam axis, the values of the current density of positive ions and electrons on the disk from which the injection occurs were investigated.


dense plasma, continuity equation, Poisson equation, large particle method, radio-transparent channel, beam-plasma formation, ion injection


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