Simulation of thermal and erosion processes in a multichannel hollow cathode

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-09


Cherkasova M. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article is devoted to the study and modeling of work processes in a multichannel hollow cathode. A similar cathode design is used in various plasma devices and high-current electric rocket engines. The design is relevant for use in electron closed-drift engines or ion engines currently being developed worldwide for use in powerful transport space systems.

The article presents the theoretical foundations of two-dimensional modeling of thermal, electrical and erosion processes in a multichannel packed hollow cathode operating in an arc mode with pumping of plasma-forming gas. The formulated system of equations allows calculating the local and integral characteristics of the cathode based on the minimum possible set of input parameters. Distribution of cathode temperature, current densities in cathode body and plasma channels, plasma-forming gas pressure in channels, concentration of charged and neutral particles are simulated. Also described is a model of erosion processes, which includes processes of evaporation, sputtering, recycling, which makes it possible to calculate local and integral erosion of the cathode.

The article also presents the results of an experimental study of several samples of multichannel cathodes and compares the results of the experiment and design modeling for a number of key parameters: cathode temperature and cathode voltage drop depending on the consumption of plasma-forming gas and discharge current. An important point is the comparison of the results of cathode erosion. The model predicts the voltage-current dependencies and the erosion rate within the 10% of accuracy, while the temperature calculation is affected by an error of about 20%. The results show that the proposed model correctly describes the parameters of the cathode and can be used in the design of this type of cathodes.


hollow cathode, arc discharge, plasma, erosion, sputtering, recycling


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