Equations for generalized coordinates of non-linear motions interface surfaces of liquids


Win K. K.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

e-mail: win.c.latt@gmail.com


Nonlinear problems of the dynamics of a rigid body with a cavity filled with several fluids are of considerable applied and theoretical interest. The article shows that with the help of the variational principle, written in a form different from the traditional one, it is possible to obtain a complete set of equations of nonlinear motions of liquids, including nonlinear kinematic and dynamic conditions on the interfaces of liquids filling the cavity of a solid body that performs a given movement. The variational formulation of the problem of dynamics has certain advantages, for example, from the point of view of substantiating the necessity and sufficiency of the derived equations and boundary conditions, and considering the body and fluid as one system allows one to achieve a certain multiplicity.

The article is devoted to the definition of differential equations for the generalized coordinate motions of a two-layer liquid in the cavity of a solid body performing a given motion in space. In the article, the formulation of a nonlinear problem about the motions of immiscible incompressible ideal liquids that completely fill a cylindrical cavity is formulated, and velocity potentials are given for each liquid. When obtaining differential equations for generalized coordinates of non-linear movements of liquid interface surfaces, the variational principle of Hamilton – Ostrogradsky is used, in which a modified Lagrange function is used. As a result, infinite systems of nonlinear differential equations were obtained for the generalized coordinates of the problem under consideration in the complex motion of a rigid body, as well as differential equations in particular cases.


variational principle, immiscible liquids, perturbed interface surface, nonlinear boundary value problem, generalized coefficients


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