The shielding efficiency study of composite material for an aircraft fuselage


Gaynutdinov R. R.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



Currently, composite materials are used in almost all sectors of society. Composite materials are most widely used in the development of aircraft systems, including unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of composite materials, on the one hand, improves the weight and size characteristics of objects, but on the other hand, worsens the electromagnetic ones. Thus, the trends in the use of composite materials, for example, in the construction of aircraft fuselages, are negative from the point of view of ensuring their electromagnetic compatibility. The use of composite materials worsens electromagnetic characteristics, which is due to their low and frequency-dependent electrical conductivity. Due to their low electrical conductivity and anisotropy, composite materials have low shielding efficiency. The lack of proper shielding eliminates the first line of protection of on-board equipment from external electromagnetic influences and intra-system interactions. In this work, experimental studies of the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material sample are carried out. An experimental stand is proposed for studying the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material. The composite material is a layered fiberglass material. The middle layer of the composite material in question is made of a plastic porous structure with embedded metal strips. The results of experimental studies of the electromagnetic characteristics of a composite material sample were obtained. The shielding efficiency of a composite material sample is quite low. In this case, the electromagnetic fields generally pass through the test sample of the composite material without noticeable attenuation. The effectiveness of sample shielding at different frequencies is uneven, which is due to the design of the composite material and resonance effects. To improve the electromagnetic characteristics of the material sample under study, it should be recommended that one of the outer layers be made using carbon fibers, which should increase the shielding efficiency without increasing the reflection coefficient.


composite material, research, experimental stand, shielding efficiency


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