Loading of a radial rolling bearing with bombed rollers


Nakhatakyan F. G.

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, M. Khariton'evskii per., Moscow, 101990, Russia


The presented article has studied the problem of radial bearing rollers barreling in detail. It is indicated that due to the edge effect, occurring in roller bearings in the ring-roller contact, concentrations of contact stresses originate at the ends of the rollers, the value of the latter herewith may be several times higher than the Hertz ones, in which concentrations of stresses are not being accounted for. Owing to this phenomenon, the load capacity of the bearing is drastically reduced. It is noted that one of the effective methods to countereact this phenomenon in roller bearings is the rollers barreling, and in this case, the problem consists in determining the “barrel” radius.

To solve the problem analytically, the author employs his previously proposed method for the contact parameters determining during interaction of the two circular cylinders under conditions of a skew angle. For this method application, the end sections of the roller are replaced with discs of different diameters. Practically speaking we get a stepped roller. However, as the thickness of the roller tends to zero (or their number to infinity), the surface of the roller is smoothed.

Further, a system of equations, namely the compatibility of deformations, displacements and gaps, on the one hand, and equilibrium, on the other is being compiled.

The obtained system of equations was solved in this work analytically. The optimal radius of the roller “barrel” has been obtained, which ensures the absence of the contact stresses concentration at the ends of the roller, which indicates an increase in the load capacity of the roller bearing.

The results may be employed in the design of rolling-contact bearing with increased load capacity.


roller bearing; barrel-shaped (combined) roller; contact interaction; roller contact with the bearing ring


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