Logico-mathematical description of the problem-solving process when designing the control system of an unmanned aerial vehicle


Malyshev V. *, Mitrofanov D. V.**

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: vamalyshev@list.ru
**e-mail: mitrofanovd@mail.ru


Trends in the development of artificial intelligence technologies, their introduction into complex technical systems such as robotic complexes, unmanned aerial vehicles, minimizing the human role in the process of analyzing information and developing control solutions allow us to develop promising intelligent technical systems capable of fully simulating human intellectual activity associated with solving problematic situations (tasks) that arise during operation. This circumstance requires the definition of the main stages and cognitive processes associated with human intellectual activity. The article discusses the main stages of solving the problem (task). Their mathematical description has been completed. A graphical interpretation of the process of achieving a goal in the process of solving a problem (task) is demonstrated. The cognitive operations performed during the solution of the problem (task) are highlighted. Each operation is described from the point of view of mathematical logic and set theory. A scheme for solving the problem (problem) is proposed.


thinking, problem, task, intellectual task, logic, intelligence, intelligent control system, sophisticated technical system


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