Features of network traffic processing on third-level switches with open operating systems

*, **, ***, ****Moscow Technical University of Communications And Informatics, 8a, Aviamotornaya Str., Moscow, 111024, Russia
*e-mail: i.g.buzhin@mtuci.ru
**e-mail: xarti@mail.ru
***e-mail: p.v.pozdnyakov@mtuci.ru
****e-mail: i.b.mironov@mtuci.ru
In modern control and information processing systems of aerospace aircraft, the use of whitebox switches with open network operating systems based on ASIC network chips as a network infrastructure is gaining popularity, thanks to which various network functions become available, independence from network equipment manufacturers appears. At the same time, the functioning of such devices and the principle of processing network traffic have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when operating white АВТОРЕbox switches. The purpose of the study: to identify the features of network traffic processing in whitebox switches and to develop some recommendations for their elimination. As a result, this article analyzes the hardware and software architecture of network equipment, as a result of which it is revealed that the architecture of a network device consists of a data transmission layer (Data plane) and a control plane. The Data plane layer is represented by an ASIC network chip with SDK and SAI tools. The Control plane level is represented by a CPU chip with a Kernel Routing (Linux) tool and a CLI. Also, as a result of the operation of whitebox switches, such traffic processing features as the desynchronization of Kernel Routing and ASIC, a violation of interface configuration logic and a decrease in port throughput were revealed. To eliminate these shortcomings, some recommendations have been developed, according to which, in order to successfully process traffic in whitebox switches, it is necessary to control the interface configuration on ASIC ingress pipelines, check the synchronization of Kernel routing Linux and ASIC. To maintain the required packet throughput, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of specifying egress interfaces and next-hop when processing traffic from
input ports.Keywords:
future generation mobile networks, load balancing, network layers, network connectivity, virtualised infrastructure, data networksReferences
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