Methodology for increasing the reliability and efficiency of on-board radio equipmentstructure at the early stages of design


Kuznetsov A. S.*, Kruchinin A. A.**, Ushkar M. N.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The design of the construct of on-board radio equipment  is characterized by the requirements of increasing reliability, minimizing weight and size characteristics, limiting power consumption, as well as reducing development time and cost. In this case, the parameters of the using cooling systems, have a significant impact on the design. The most common way reducing of the temperature of the components of the on-board radio equipment is the using of the forced air cooling systems. In this regard, there is a need to optimize cooling systems and predict their parameters at the early stages of design. The computational and experimental methodology of the parametric synthesis of forced air cooling systems of on-board electronic equipment structures is consider in this article. This methodics makes possible to increase the efficiency of the cooling system and the reliability of the design of on-board radio equipment as a whole. The algorithms of the calculating of the parameters of various variants of the forced air cooling systems for heat-loaded modules are describes in this article. The obtained results are confirmed by 3D modeling which use a computer-aided design system of the development of the design of the onboard electronic equipment. This methodology allow synthesize a preferable, version of the forced air cooling system for a heat-loaded module, that makes it possible to increase reliability, minimize weight and size characteristics and power consumption of the on-board electronic equipment and also reduce the development time and cost of the design.


Cooling systems, Reliability of on-board radio equipment, Loop heat pipes, Remote heatsink, 3D thermal model


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