Algorithm for assessment of structural and functional stability and integrity of heterogeneous data transmission network of spatially distributed monitoring system


Kochkarov R. A.1*, Baldychev M. T.1**, Kazantsev A. M.2***, Prokopchina S. V.1****, Timoshenko A. V.1*****

1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, 125993, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Modern communication and data transmission technologies make it possible to form spatially distributed monitoring systems (SDMS) with a significant number of heterogeneous information means forming a heterogeneous data transmission network (HDTN) and allowing to control objects of different nature. When designing and studying the functioning of such complex SDMS, as a rule, the processes of information and network interaction are considered separately. However, modern trends in the organization of information-network interaction between the elements of SDMS require a unified consideration in terms of its functionality, i.e. the transfer of specific information between the elements of the system, taking into account the organization of communication HDTN through its elements (mobile sensors and receiving and transmitting devices). The essential characteristics of information transmission in such networks are its completeness (volume), reliability (share of distortion) and timeliness (speed of delivery), which in turn depend on many external and internal factors. The influence of such factors on the system operation can be manifested both in the violation of structural and functional stability HDTN by destroying the processes of informational (changing the volume of transmitted information and the share of distortions) interaction, and the integrity of the system by violating the network (switching) interaction (blocking of individual sensors and repeaters). The paper considers the issues proposed algorithm demonstrating the fundamental possibility of joint representation and analysis of structural and functional stability and integrity of HDTN in order to synthesize rational quantitative and qualitative configurations of functioning of SDMS under the influence of destabilizing factors of different intensity.
Its peculiarity is the operations of placing and destroying centers, which allow us to study the structural and functional stability of dynamic graph structures with hierarchical properties. The center search operation in the form of a procedure is described in detail as the most computationally intensive one. We prove the consistency of the procedure in the form of a theorem and calculate its computational complexity, which is much lower than the known algorithms for center search due to the special properties of hierarchy.


spatially distributed monitoring system, structural and functional stability, dynamic graph, heterogeneous data transmission network


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