Increasing the accuracy of printed products on a photopolymer printer due to transformation of the position in the printing area.


Vekhteva N. A.*, Litovka Y. V.**, Obukhov A. D.***

Tambov State Technical University, 106, Sovetskaya, Tambov, 392000, Russia



The presented article regards an approach to analysis of a product 3D digital model, printing accuracy assessing of its elements, the speed of the printing process, and describes the main types of defects that occur during three-dimensional printing and their dependence on the placement of elements in the printing space.
The central issue of the research is the DLP photopolymerization technology and the resulting defects in the finished product. The article describes the most common types of defects, and considers the impact of the elements arrangement in the print space.
Various methods, detecting and describing defects, such as jog formation, size drift and shape deviations, are employed for the printing analysis and accuracy assessment. The 3D drawing elements classification, in which the above said defects may occur, is presented as well.
The article addresses also the problem of accuracy degradation and increased number of defects due to the printing speed increasing. The main task of the described approach consists in finding the optimal balance between the speed and accuracy. The authors propose an approach to optimal balance achieving by changing the model angle of rotation prior to installing supports and slicing it into layers for printing. The described approach includes setting weighting coefficients of importance of the  selected classes of defects  and searching for deformable elements of a 3D drawing, determining their characteristics and computing deviations. The multi-criteria problem solution is being performed by the Pareto efficiency method, which finds optimal solutions between product compliance with the drawing and printing time.
To quantify the finished product conformity to the drawing, a method using the utility function, was proposed and considered. In this method, classes of the drawing elements defects are being selected as criteria, and weighting coefficients represent the significance of the selected defect absence on the finished product.


accuracy assessment, printing, three-dimensional photopolymer printing, utility function


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