On the motion of a spacecraft along a tether by non-perfect solar sail
e-mail: vsvaskova@yndex.ru
The paper considers a fuel-free method of a cargo local moving in outer space, implemented through the use of a spacecraft with a non-perfect solar sail along a tether connecting two heavy space stations describing one heliocentric orbit. We suppose that the solar sail partially absorbs solar radiation, the tether is weightless, inextensible, absolutely flexible and its length exceeds the distance between stations. Also, situations where the tether is taut at all time of the spacecraft motion are considered. As such motion relative velocity turns out to be low, the tension of the tether is sufficiently small, which allows us to assume that the spacecraft slightly influences the stations relative location. Taking into account the assumptions made, the direction of the solar sail normal provided the maximum relative acceleration of the spacecraft relocation along the tether is determined. This direction depends on the sailed apparatus current location and of the sail material reflection coefficient. The required angle between a normal to the sail plane and the local vertical is in the range from the bisector of the angle between the sun rays direction and the tangent to the spacecraft trajectory, up to the correspondent optimal inclination for the perfectly reflective sail. The minimum possible duration of the sailed spacecraft flight between stations at zero initial and final relative velocities is computed. It is established that this duration increases as the sail reflectivity deteriorates, but it remains acceptable for practice even if the sail absorbs all photons that reach its surface.
imperfect solar sail, space tether system, heliocentric orbit, equations of motionReferences
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