Development of a polymeric composite material does not possess the “STOP-effect” for the manufacture of precision guides and special precision equipment aviation enterprises.

Material authority


Smirnov M. M., Malyugin A. S.

Gas turbine engineering research and production center Salyut, 16, Budennogo av., Moscow, 105118, Russia


It is known that polymeric composite materials (PCM) combine all the properties of their constituent components, the formation of which can be a structural material in a given range of operational and technological parameters of the equipment. The task of creating pasty composites cold cure for friction units of machines and mechanisms for general-purpose distributed into three separate sections: 
- select the best binder for the composite material;
- creation of an antifriction multicomponent filler imparts antiskachkovye properties of composite materials; 
- creation of technology-application to the worn-out piece of equipment. As a result of complex research, conducted by the authors, have developed new composite self-lubricating materials pasty cold hardening on the basis of high-binders, characterized by small relaxation self-oscillations at low sliding speeds, as well as methods of applying these materials on the worn-out rails and other items of equipment.


macromolecular binding, guides, epoxy resins, antifriction filler

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