Management efficiency of export potential of an enterprise
Economics and management
Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
To analyze the structure of the world space market of launch vehicles, depending on the distribution of classes over the years, and to propose possible ways of its development.
The paper provides a classification of launch vehicles based on their mass, in accordance with the classification which is determined by the market structure of space launch vehicles.
The analysis allowed us to determine that on the global space market there is a need for a new cost-effective, highly reliable launch vehicle that would be capable of launches small satellites into a sun-synchronous orbit and geostationary orbit. In order to create these missiles in a short time and with a minimal cost, it is necessary to find new technical, operational and organizational decisions.
Studyingof the export capability of industrial enterprises and identification of the areas for development can provide with an objectiveassessment of the impact of the structure and the volume of its exports on the total economic capability, in order to assess the dynamics, direction, and improve the efficiency of industrial enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets.
It is expected that the development of the company in global market will increase exports, improve the product and the geographical structure of export, the use of advanced forms of international trade and economic co-operation and, consequently, increase sales in overseas markets.
plant facilities, export capability, space-rocket hardware, market analysis, competitivenessReferences
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