Ergonomic adaptability and problems of improvement of anti-g protective systems

Aviation technics and technology
Company of Real Business. Adaptive Systems, Mnevniki, 7-1, Moscow,123308, Russia
The paper addresses questions of improvement of aviation crew protection from shock overloads.
The paper analyses the possibilities of improvement of pilot seat ergonomics and its influence on pilot safety in case of a crash landing. It focuses on application of ergonomic adaptability principles for improvement of anti-g protective systems.
The main principles of load absorption by self-adjusting elements of pilot seat liner are adduced and considered. Main shock overload cases (such as crash landing) and their characteristics are identified. Comparative analysis of load distribution for various shock overload cases is made for traditional and adaptive anti-g protective systems.
Taking into account the anthropometry of a particular pilot in protection system design allows to significantly improve the ergonomics of aviation crew workplaces. Thus anthropometric data and data on crash landing accidents should be used for development and application of the adaptive self-adjusting structures (the adaptive pilot seat liners – “the adaptive lozhement”). Ergonomic individualization on the basis of adaptive seat liners will allow improving anti-g protective systems due to formation, support and retention of an optimal backbone shape and uniform distribution of loads throughout the contact area.
The current study provides a starting point for further research in the field of protection against aircraft landing shock on the basis of experimental and constructive methods.
The design of the adaptive pilot seat liner and its functioning principle are patented. Active systems of protection against landing shock with the help of adaptive and individual panels are suggested on the basis of these patents. Such systems form a balanced body position and safely retain it during the time of an impact. They also ensure the rational direction and metered transfer of impact striking forces and loads onto the pilot’s skeletomuscular system.
ergonomic adaptability, impact accelerations, abort landing, anti-g protective systems, seat, helmetReferences
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