Operational Issues of Air Revitalization and Monitoring Systems Providing for the Russian Module on Board of the International Space Station

Space technics and technology
1*, 1**, 1***, 21. Scientific Research and Design Institute of Chemical Engineering, NIIchimmash, 14, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia
2. Research Institute, NIIchimmach, 14, Novodmitrovskaya, Moscow, 127015, Russia
*e-mail: v_proshkin@mail.ru
**e-mail: e_kurmazenko@niichimmash.ru
***e-mail: a_kochetkov@niichimmash.ru
Nowadays Air Revitalization and Monitoring Systems (ARMS) service on board of the International Space Station (ISS) has features:
Every ARMS operation is not connected with other systems;
ARMS performance depends on Off-Normal Situation (ONS), deviations of the parameters in other systems and on-board computer failures;
ARMS performance information is obtained partially, without elaboration and interpretation.
Thus, an adequate valuation of ARMS is complicated and ONS risks are increasing, that influence on the system resource. Therefore, an integrated approach to service of existent and being developed ARMS is proposed. It can provide:
Maximum ARMS operation data acceptance, elaboration and database creation. It will allow:
to provide a more complete estimate of the ARMS parameters and its components;
to predict the technical condition of ARMS performance;
to identify and localize ONS at early stages of development.
ARMS operation methods changing that have to consider:
the impact of parameters of other systems and ONS to ARMS operation;
the impact of the ARMS parameters and ONS to the performance of other systems.
ARMS operation ideology changing with a view to:
minimize the impact of on-board control system ONS to ARMS;
change the algorithm of ARMS operation.
ARMS manual operations reduction with a view to
decrease crew’s working time;
minimize the impact of the "human factor".
ARMS connection to additional equipment. It will allow:
to provide an opportunity to eliminate failures and ONS in ARMS;
to increase the level of safety of the ARMS operation;
to increase the ARMS operational life.
This integrated approach affords:
realize in full the ARMS potential on board the ISS (including increased system resource);
identify areas for further ARMS modernization.
Each component of the integrated approach is shown by examples of systems operation on board of the ISS, mainly Russian electrolysis Oxygen Generation System (OGS) "Electron-VM". A coefficient of obtaining information about system’s parameters is described and the model of data collection is proposed.
Russian trace contaminants removing system for the ISS was examined in this paper. Based on these studies, a statement of the problem of integrated approach to this system was given.
The same method was used in the Russian OGS "Elektron-VM" operation on board the ISS. As a result, the Technology Block (TB) № 009 of the "Electron-VM" in 2006-2011 had been working 1265 days (≈ 3,5 years) until a failure appeared. Previously, the maximum non-failure operation time was 456 days for TB № 005 in 2002-2005. (TB resource is 365 days and its weight is 160 kg).
operation, integrated approach, the international space station, air revitalization and monitoring system, oxygen generation system "electron-vm", coefficient of obtaining information, contaminantReferences
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