Development of multi-layer composite structures for the protection aircrafts from the automatic weapon bullets

Material authority


Larin A. A.1*, Reznichenko V. I., Artemev A. V.2

1. Moscow Akademy of labour market and information technology (MALBIT), Mologovardeyskaya st., 46-1, Moscow, 121351, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



To provide a methodology for multilayer armor design aimed at ensuring the required level of object protection from small-caliber ammunition up to 12,7x108 mm.
The paper proposes a mathematical model for estimation of energy absorption in armor layers and residual slug energy after armor penetration based on the data concerning armor materials, their physical, chemical and mechanical properties and geometrical characteristics. The model allows calculating various mechanisms of metal armor penetration as well as combining different materials into a multilayer structure. The simulation can be made for any bullet hit angle relative to the armor surface.
Various armor structural materials were used for testing the method: metals, alloys, composite materials made from carbon, glass, basalt, ceramics, polyethylene and aramid fabrics. The comparison of theoretical modeling results and experimental ballistic tests has proven the validity of the modeling methodology as well as its capability to optimize the armor weight.
The model implies that bullet slugs, which are made of thermo-strengthened steel or tungsten carbide, are non-deforming bodies. It also implies that submunition moves along the minimal trajectory within the protective plate volume.
The developed approach to the design of multilayer armor structures allows using a wide variety of materials with different properties and destruction behavior during the optimization of the structure weight. The proposed method also significantly decreases the time required for computation of armor penetration without reducing the accuracy of the obtained results.


composite materials, armor, composite structures, aircrafts, weapons


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