Numerical simulation of stationary waves of burning and detonation in a mixture of magnesium particles with air

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Gidaspov V. Y.



Development of the physico-mathematical model of the process, computational algorithms and program complex for simulation of combustion and detonation of combustible mixtures, consisting of particles of metals and air. The calculation of the fine structure of stationary waves, combustion and detonation, determine the ignition delay minimum speed of detonation and the maximum speed of burning.
Physical and mathematical model, numerical algorithms and complex of the programs for calculation of stationary waves of ignition and detonation in a combustible mixture of magnesium particles from the air, which can be used in the modelling of multi-dimensional currents.
The numerical modeling of stationary waves of burning and detonation in the standard terms in respect of the initial mass of magnesium and air in the range from 0.03 to 2. Calculations of the stationary waves of combustion and detonation structure, including heating, melting, evaporation, inflammation and composition change of particles and the corresponding change f the temperature and composition of gas-phase products of combustion, forming of magnesium particles, magnesium oxide and nitride magnesium. The effect of a mass fraction of magnesium at a minimum rate of fixed detonation, and the maximum speed of the stationary combustion wave.
Сalculations, which show that the parameters of the stationary waves of burning and detonation of an asymptotically tendency to the equilibrium point to the equilibrium adiabat.
The developed numerical algorithms and computer software can be used for the design of advanced propulsion systems, as well as study of the combustion and detonation parameters of fuels which are composed of dispersed particles of metals.


numerical simulation, metallized fuel, chemical reactions, phase transitions, combustion, detonation


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