Pulse Signal Enhancement by Disturbance Canceller on Narrow-Band Gaussian Disturbance Background

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Manokhin A. E.

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia

e-mail: pic_a@mail.ru


The method of two-channel adaptive cancelation of narrow-band non-correlated disturbances is presented in this paper. The method used in the model disturbances canceller is based on adaptive modeling a mix of a desired signal and a disturbance in the basic channel and disturbance in the reference channel. To increase of the compensative accuracy in the reference channel, the additional adaptive filter is used, which not only equalizes disturbance level in channels, but it also corrects the disturbance correlation function in the basic channel as much as possible leading it to approach the correlation function in the reference channel. The proposed framework can be applied to cancel narrow-band disturbances in multichannel systems, telecommunication systems, and mobile communication systems. In the case of signal-disturbance power ratio lesser than minus 10 dB and the equality of disturbances power in channels the adaptive alignment allows to raise even more the degree of cancelation and to decrease error probability twice. Moreover, the method has proven to be useful in the case of mutually uncorrelated and unequal power disturbances in channels.


model disturbances canceller, forming white noise, compensating filter


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