The study of algorithms using receptor geometric model in the problems of physical route tracing in aviation technology

Aviation technologies


Nyi N. H.*, Kyaw H. -.**, Markin L. V.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The subject of this research paper is the development of the mathematical methods and software of computer-aided design for aviation technology. We consider the computer-aided design system for connecting the routes between already placed objects, particularly electrical wiring, pneumatic and drainage systems, hydraulic systems; this problem seems to be more difficult that the development of the systems of automated arrangement of airplane’s technical compartment. The dimensions of the routes between already placed objects, the objects dimensions, and the minimal radii of curvatures can be compared and they must be variable; this is the main peculiarity of the considered problem.
The use of the discrete grid-based method based on the receptor geometric model which simulates the basis designs of the routes in layout space for the design algorithm is proposed. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the receptor geometric models were also described in the presented paper. Thus, the advantage of the proposed method is the possibility of an effective direction search at each step of the route design, and its ability to determine the intersection of the projected route with the pre-composed objects. The drawback of this method is an inability to secure the smoothness of the projected track, and its high requirements to the computational power. However, the computational power of modern computers provides a practical implementation of this method.
The main obtained result consists in the development of the simulation software in C# and testing of routing algorithm between already placed objects. The possibility of the algorithm to find effective obstacle avoidance (as already arranged objects) is shown and more options are available to smooth the path to reach the required minimum radii of curvature. Due to the new data structure of algorithm in improvement for speed compared to traditional routing solution with discrete-tracing algorithm A* (A-star), new algorithm is about 1300 times faster than the classic A* and approximately 15% more effective compared to using the most effective modifications of A* algorithm by Masatomo Kanehara.
The scope of application of the obtained results is the computer-aided design system for aircrafts and other transport systems, i.e. technical objects with a high density layout. However, an additional difficulty of wide practical application of this method is the need to develop a transition module for the conversion of geometric parametric models used by designers and specified in drawings in a geometric model of the receptor (in fact, intra-machine), and need to use back and forth.
As a result of the investigations, the possibility of the use of a method of computer-aided design of the connecting lines of a given size and minimum radii of curvature of the objects is shown; a relatively short computation time is need (few minutes). The essential difference between the existing algorithms and proposed one is the ability to modify the size and length of the tracks directly in computation process. Another features and applications of the algorithm is beyond the scope of this article (e.g. related research - Masatomo Kanehara algorithm - was created to design the route obstacle avoidance robot manipulator).


designing, route tracing, receptor geometric modeling, physical trace, canal surface, obstacle avoidance, path smoothing


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