Branch Innovative System (BIS) of the Russian aviation industry

Economics and management


Sobolev L. B.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Creation of the Russian national innovative system (NIS) while causes difficulties because of weakness of private business in innovative industries. However it is possible to begin with creation of the branch innovative systems (BIS) in aviation industry and electronic industry as the national security of the country depends on innovation of these industries in many respects. In the USA and other developed countries there are the state and state-private organizations carrying out coordination of research and development in aerospace industry and advising the military-political country leaders for decision-making. Besides, close cooperation between aerospace scientific centers, leading technical universities and aircraft manufacturing corporations is adjusted.
As well as for NIS, BIS it is formed within the general state macroeconomic policy and the regulatory legal base providing realization of this policy. Basic elements of BIS are the following subsystems: generation of knowledge (education and system of professional development of shots), science (at Universities, State Scientific Centers, R&D department of corporations), the transfer of knowledge in production and services, the effective organization of production, financing of all subsystems. Considering that functioning of BIS is under construction of market economy, the market of the hi-tech production and services can be considered as one of NIS subsystems.
The most real way of a transfer of innovations in the Russian NIS at the present stage is distribution of technologies in the form of the new equipment and forms of the organization of work. That fact is obvious that innovative activity of the Russian aviation firms depends on use of the technologies created out of these firms more and more. Knowledge of technologies can be received from information received in higher education institutions and at advanced training courses, publications in special editions, aircrafts shows. The help can render active use of outsourcing, in particular at introduction of information technologies.


sectoral innovation system, NASA, innovation process, United Aircraft Corporation, innovation transfer


  1. Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossiiskoy Federascii “Razvitie aviasconnoy promishlennosty na period 2013-2025” (State Program of the Russian Federation «The Development of aviation industry for 2013-2025»), available at (accessed 27.11.2012)
  2. Sobolev L.B. O roli NASA v otraslevoi innovascionnoi sisteme aerokosmisceskoi promishlennosty USA, Sbornik statei, SPb, 2013, pp.134-137.
  3. Ruban O. Ekspert , 2009, no. 44 (681), pp.34-39.
  4. Sobolev L.B. Electronnyi zhurnal "Trudy MAI", 2012, no. 59, available at: (accessed 23,Х1, 2012)

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