Development and implementation of programs on building skills of university graduates

Methods and tutorials


Polaynskov Y. V.*, Sannikov I. A.**, Leontiev V. L.***, Shabalkin D. Y.****, Yevseev A. N.*****

Ulyanovsk State University (ULSU), L.Tolsotoy St., Ulyanovsk, 432000, Russia



The paper proposes approaches to solving the problems of one of the priorities of the strategic development of the Ulyanovsk State University (ULSU) «Aviation technology and aviation mobility» in order to implement the model of advanced training of specialists that is aimed at the satisfaction of needs of the CJSC «Aviastar-SP» and other companies realizing their activities in the aviation field.
First of all, it is an adaptation of training plans for the following branches of science: «Aircraft engineering», «System analysis and control», and «Automation of technological processes and manufactures» to the modern requirements of dynamically changing labor market in the aviation industry.
To do this, the ULSU department of mathematical modeling of technical systems, as an experiment, in the formation of professional competence in the above areas of training has offered a step-by-step methodology, which is based on the object competence of students. Within such methodology, the competence matrix was developed for the basic subjects, general-technical ones as a rule. Professional requirements were formed by expert assessments on the appropriate subject among graduates working at aviation enterprises and plant specialists being the department heads.
Competencies identified by the subjects were structured and transformed subsequently to be within the framework of the existing educational standard. As a result of that work additional educational paths have been offered for the implementation of purpose-oriented training, as well as the options for adjusting curricula.
Based on the analysis of competencies demanded by the CJSC «Aviastar-SP», the subjects were defined, training in which should be carried out with the involvement of resources of the leading universities.
Second, it is an improvement of education quality through the introduction into the training process of the modern methodological and laboratory support with the aviation focus and of the point rating system of monitoring and appraisal of students.
Important are the probations of lecturers and staff at the leading Russian aviation universities to study modern methods of teaching, advanced training in the field of methodological support, insight into to the modern researches in the field of aviation-related mathematical modeling, study of new technologies of production of structural aircraft materials, insight into the laboratory facilities and methods of their application, etc.
The paper discusses the participation of students in research and action-oriented work that is a necessary condition for the high-grade digestion of educational program. To regulate and systematize such work, a Student Scientific-and-Technological Bureau was established at the ULSU, in which the interested students study modern digital technologies, gain additional competences in the use of software and the solution of specific problems.
We also consider the experience on enlisting the services of the leading lecturers of aviation universities and specialist of aviation companies to assess the quality of graduate training.
One of the results of such work was the establishment of the Competence Center «Aviation technologies and aviation mobility» that allowed bringing together efforts of experts from aviation enterprises and leading scientists from the ULSU departments and institutes. We plan to create a joint center of competence under the CJSC «Aviastar-SP» and ULSU to solve problems within the framework of the federal purpose-oriented programs.
Thus, the proposed and implemented methods for solving the problem considered in this paper include the concept of a full cycle of training, ranging from the occupational guidance for school children — future students at the stage of their enrollment in a higher education establishment, and to the graduates (bachelors, masters) with the knowledge and skills satisfying future demands of the aviation industry.


academic mobility, professional competence, advanced training, training, aviation orientation


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