Classification of high-performance recuperators GTE

Aerospace propulsion engineering
*, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The objects of the study are structural systems and structural elements of gas turbine engines recuperators.
Recuperator is gas-air heat exchanger where compressed air in the compressor is heated by exhaust gases, which increases the thermodynamic parameters of the gas turbine engine cycle as a heat engine.
The reliability and service life of the regenerative gas turbine engine is largely dependent on the reliability of the recuperator, which in turn is defined by its structure.
Currently improving the design recuperators of GTE is in several ways:
- For stationary gas turbines, where the weight and dimensions ofthe heat exchanger are not critical, used remote tubular heat exchangers. Design ofsuch heat exchangers isestablished and reliable.
- Toreduce the weight and dimensions ofheat exchangers ofaviation and transport gas turbine units inthe design ofrecuperators the heat exchange intensifiers ofvarious designs and high-performance heat transfer surfaces ofdifferent types are used
- The improvement ofmethods ofcomplex thermal-hydraulic calculation ofheat exchangers.
Insofar as there are many classifications of structures recuperators GTE, there is a need to organize them somehow, i.e. separate them using the most important and fundamental design features. The main aim is to familiarize readers with the most effective design techniques to improve the efficiency and reliability of gas turbine recuperators.
recuperator, air-gas heat exchanger, efficiency and reliability of GTEReferences
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