Ways of reducing environmental damage during abnormal operation of rocket and space technology

Space technologies
*, **, ***, ****Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: kafedra610@yandex.ru
**e-mail: paleshkin@mai.ru
***e-mail: Pp81@mail.ru
****e-mail: dekanat6@cosmos.com.ru
One of the most important indicators of development level of rocket-and-space technology along with the energy and accuracy characteristics is its accident-free operationing. The solution to this problem affects the total set of program measures to ensure reliability, algorithms development and operational documentation. However, many issues closely connect the work and characteristics of product units with work of flight control system.
The task of ensuring trouble-free flights is solved at different stages of development and use of launch vehicles, boosters and spacecraft.
This starts with a design stage of project works in the form of items conservation and creation of redundancy in manageability, i.e. stocks manageability and reserves of design elements strength, and installation of required onboard computer informational-measuring system
The article presents the ways to decrease the probability of accidental outcome flight products of rocket and space technology and considers an assessment of fall points dispersion of exhaust stages.
A significant decrease in the size of ellipse dispersion for the 2nd steps associated with the presence of compartment intermediate structure, which has a shape of truncated cone, which in some ways fulfils a role of brake pads during the descent. Thus, there is so-called effect of side center adjustment influence on the decrease in size of falling fields. This phenomenon is about fact, that upon entering into the dense layers of atmosphere due to aerodynamic forces, which are directly proportional to velocity head, arising aerodynamic moments spinning away a stage with angular speed with inversely proportional to their axial moments of inertia. Due to the spin the aerodynamic forces are averaged and, as consequence, the area of ellipse dispersion is reduced. To reduce the dispersion of exhaust stages points of fall we have considered the impact of stabilizing constructive devices in the form of the plume, as well as the additional controlled descent algorithm for the onboard control system of launch vehicles. According to the results of statistical modeling the table for maximum values of exhaust stages characteristic parameters in descent trajectories was obtained.
environmental damage of rocket, space system, off-nominal situation, exploitation of space rocket technology, probability of emergency outcome, accident-free operationReferences
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