Improvement of the canonical model of a ballistic missile with uncontrollable movements to reflect its movements around the mass center

Space technologies
, *Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
In this paper we consider the direction of improving ballistic calculation algorithms (BA) and point trajectory of uncontrollable aviation missile (UAM). It is shown that factors leading to a decrease in accuracy is not quite accurate count in the BA value of the initial angle of nutation UAM occurring in the presence of attack angles and aviation system slipping at start-up.
Algorithms for amending the calculation of the initial conditions of the UAM movement give a significant reduction in BA systematic errors. Take into account the particular application of problem under solution the specific set of coordinate systems were chosen, for which there is a deduction of the necessary equations in the case when equations are not available in the approximation of amendments by ground-based stationary electronic computers and subsequent transfer to the ballistic takes place. Calculations for UAM model that show the effectiveness of the proposed method are presented as an example.
ballistic algorithm, uncontrollable aviation missile, the initial angle of nutationReferences
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