Development of next generation space platform for the METEOR series oceanographic satellites

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Gusev A. A.*, Ilyina I. Y.**, Usachev O. A.*

Corporation "Space systems monitoring, information management and electromechanical systems" named A.G. Iosif'yan, "Corporation "VNIIEM", 4, Horomny deadlock, building 1, Moscow, 107078, Russia



World ocean problems solution nowadays is becoming the most actual directions of earth remote sensing (ERS) from the space. The role of the world ocean in natural processes as well as in humankind life is commonly known. However, the exploration of the ocean is the most difficult problem of the science. The conservative methods for scientific study with the help of research vessels can not solve the majority of oceanographic problems immediately and on the rims. That is why the ocean remote sensing methods have begun to develop.
The purpose of this article is to present justification of the main technical, design, and process solutions to be implemented at building Meteor-M #3 SC developed by ‘VNIIEM Corporation" JSC.
The developed space platform for perspective oceanographic satellite Meteor-M #3 has been designed taking into account modern tendencies, great experience, and process stock of ‘VNIIEM Corporation" JSC accumulated during the long-term period of creation and operation of Meteor series SC.
The main objective of this satellite according to performance specifications is all-weather illumination-independent radar monitoring performed by on-board active array radar system (AESA). The perspective SC is planned to be equipped with some other special purpose hardware: scatterometer, ocean and nearshore zone color grade scanner, atmosphere radio translucence equipment.
The mentioned above types of equipment are differing exclusively by variety of physical principles, mass and dimension features, demand for power supply, requirements for maintaining thermal regimes and highlighting fields to be observed, as well as their electromagnetic compatibility shall be provided. All these significantly complicate their mutual embedding and operation in one SC.
Additional difficulties arise at selection of design-layout scheme and provision of spacecraft with electrical power if any sufficiently big and energy-intensive devices are in payload.
One of the most serious problems at determining configuration of space platform is achievement of high toughness and strength of the body and inadmissibility of small resonating frequencies of SC on adapter separation subsystem from «Fregat» upper-stage of «Souyz-1» booster of 1b stage.
The second problem of the configuration challenging for the given type of SC is a requirement to align the satellite mass with a minimal deviation from the center of its coordinates system.
An extremely complicated engineering problem is to provide a thermal rate of SC as a whole and of AESA in particular, as well. Besides, turns around of longitudinal axis to transfer AESA from the right board of SC to the left one are foreseen in the program. In this mode the SC thermal control system operates in extreme regime, since the sun rays fall on the exchanger and the solar array is found turned out from the Sun.
The present article deals with a justification of selection of optimal configuration of SC based on construction stringer mating ring main circuit, as well as on reticular prism and primary structural elements stiffness calculations.
Considering the mentioned above requirements and calculations, a horizontal configuration scheme based on an octagonal carbon fiber prism was accepted for this Meteor-M #3 SC.
The requirements and solved design solutions put into this configuration will enable to build a unified space platform of new-generation. Thus, this space platform shall become a baseline for development of the next generation of Earth remote sensing satellites at ‘VNIIEM Corporation’ JSC.


space platform, satellite, stringer and transverse-based supporting structure, carbon-fiber cylinder, World ocean


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