Determination of rational parameters and operating algorithm of a ramjet bicalibre missile

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Dikshev A. I.*, Kostyanoi E. M.

Instrument Design Bureau named after academician A.G. Shipunov, 59, Shcheglovskaya Zaseka str., Tula, 300001, Russia



The purpose of the paper is to determine possible expansion of applicability bicalibre missiles owing to usage of an integral ramjet as a motor.
The research was conducted by means of multi-parametric optimization using numerical simulation methods. The research tool is based on bundled software describing conjugate processes of an aerial vehicle movement in the air and ramjet functioning. The structure, composition and level of the mathematical models used to construct the research tool are determined by its orientation towards the conceptual design stage, which requires solving optimization problems of structural-parametric synthesis.
The article shows topicality of the issues related to flight range increase while keeping the dimensional and weight characteristics unchanged. It is extremely difficult to solve this problem within the framework of using solid-propellant motors, which are classical for this type of aerial vehicles, due to the fact that their today`s thrust characteristics are close to their limit values. In this connection it was suggested by the authors that a solid-propellant integral ramjet motor should be installed onboard the aerial vehicle. Three layout solutions are considered in the paper, and predictive estimates of the maximum range of flight are given for each of the solutions with respect to the selected prototype upon the results of multi-parametric optimization. Results of a series of computing experiments show that 60 — 80 % increment of the flight range is provided for the most preferable layout in case of a ballistic trajectory of flight, and 50 — 70 % increment if there is a gliding phase. The following values are optimal to obtain the maximum range of flight: 25/75 — propellant weight ratio between the ramjet and the solid-propellant motor, 0.321 — relative area of the air intake cross-section and 0.425 — relative throat of the secondary nozzle. As a result, an operation algorithm of a bicalibre missile with an integral ramjet motor has been obtained, which enables to expand the applicability of such a missile minimum by 80 % in comparison with a version equipped only with a solid-propellant motor.
Practical implications
Practical application field of the research results is associated with structural-parametric synthesis of advanced bicalibre missiles at the conceptual design stage. Both the obtained results the computing experiments and the research tool, which can be used for further works in this area, are of obvious practical importance.
The originality of the obtained results is that a way for expanding the applicability of bicalibre missiles thanks to incorporation of ramjet motors has been shown and that functional relationships between the ranges of flight of the aerial vehicles under consideration and the main design parameters of the motor assembly have been obtained


operation algorithm, bicalibre missile, rational parameters, ramjet motor


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