Design calculation of valves for aircraft systems of automatic pressure control

Aviation technics and technology


Popova A. I.*, Tretiyakova O. N.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The paper is devoted to the development of a program, which is aimed at automating the design and calculation of parameters of the pressure control system valves within the airplane air conditioning systems. Thus the program should accelerate the development of new valves with the help of computers. A generalized classification of valves has been proposed for the development of this program. This classification unites the whole diversity of types of valves within one scheme. The classification system divides the valves into the following types according to their purpose: exhaust valves, emergency valves, and combined valves. Three categories of actuator valves are allocated according to the type of their closure members: valves with solid, elastic and aerodynamic closure members. Three types of valves can be distinguished by the kind of energy they consume (actuation types): pneumatic, hydraulic and electric. This paper considers the actuator valves, which are classified according to the type of consumed energy (actuation).
The main characteristics and groups of input and output data have been allocated for each valve type. The design features of the individual valve elements, such as spring and diaphragm, were studied.
The program algorithm was formulated based on the allocated input and output data. The program is a universal structure of mathematical calculations. Calculation formulas are specified via entries in the configuration file with mathematical expressions. These expressions use Python mathematical operators. The program is written with taking into account the possibility of its scaling. This possibility is taken into the account both in nature of the program and volume of calculations, which are carried out on the basis of specific data. The change of calculation logics, amount of calculations and introduction of new calculations does not require any changes in the existing program code. It is only necessary to to supplement the program with the blocks for calculation of new valve types.
The calculations of two real pneumatic valves were presented to confirm the operational capability of the program: membrane-spring valve for the Tu-204 airplane and piston valve for IL-96 airplane.


automatic pressure control system, design automation, programming, valves, calculation


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