Researching of GLONASS monitoring by using high-precision positioning methods

Control and navigation systems


Platonov S. A.1*, Glotov V. D.2*

1. Specialized Experimental Design Bureau systems and measuring the "Vector", 55, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111024, Russia
2. Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



The article describes existing methods and systems of monitoring of GLONASS radio navigation field and highlights their weak side i.e. low precision of monitoring of user accuracy. The presented example of current accuracies for high-precision positioning methods demonstrates that the monitoring of radio navigation field must perform in high precision mode. Technique combining two high-precision methods (relative positioning by phase measurements and precise point positioning) was overviewed and main results of its implementation were presented. The results of relative positioning for two couples of Russian receivers (manufactured in «Navis» and «Izhevsk radio factory») showed that using of two similar receivers on a base station and rover can result to fixed solution with accuracies not worse that for GPS-only solution. It was also obtained that optimal solution of high precision GLONASS monitoring is autonomous monitoring in a receiver because of high influence of local error sources like multipath, loss of visibility in city canyon, radio noises and systematic errors of phase measurements. The necessity of global network monitoring of continuously reference stations with using various high precision ephemeris and clock information is approved in real time mode and in post-processing by receivers of various manufactures as well as high precision monitoring in various software.


GLONASS, accuracy, radio-navigation field monitoring, relative method, precise point positioning, high-precision ephemeris & clock information


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