V.Z. Vlasov generalized problems on stress state of cylindrical vessel under hydrostatic pressure in the case of physically orthotropic material

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Vu B. Z.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


In recent times in various areas of engineering, new materials are increasingly being used to construct structures of various purposes with high limiting characteristics. This trend is particularly true in aviation and aerospace industry where more stringent requirement of designing high strength to weight ratio structures are forcing the designers to boldly introduce new advanced materials despite their relatively high cost when compared to the traditional materials. This article is devoted to the actual problem of strength of thin-walled aviation and aerospace constructions as well as to the study the influence of orthotropic material on its stress-strain state. We study the circular cylindrical shells constructed from materials, which have three different elastic properties in their three mutually perpendicularly directions, and also are known as orthotropic shells.

The influence of material characteristics, which are based on orthotropic shell structures with hinged pin on the stress-strain state of the structure will be investigated. The structure is subjected to constant hydrostatic pressure along its length corresponding to the horizontal location of the vessel partially filled with liquid.

In the case of isotropic material, various authors have studied the problem of finding the average stress values in shell structures under hydrostatic pressure. The difference in this study firstly, the shells are not isotropic material; secondly, we use differential equation from the general theory of orthotropic shells constructed from the hypothesis of Christoffel-Love. To obtain the most effective solution when considering such boundary problem, we use method double trigonometric Fourier series.

The numerical results on the stress-strain state of orthotropic shells, constructed from hypothetic materials, are represented in the graphical format. Furthermore, the stress values and their normal displacements of the vessels, made from steels 1X18H10T, aluminum alloys D 16T, boron and fiberglass reinforced plastic composites are compared.


orthotropic material, cylindrical shell, hydraulic-statics pressure, vessel, differential equation, Fourier series


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