The automation of the system engineering of the informing radio systems

Electronics, Radio and Communications
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The article introduce the conception of the automation of the system engineering of the informing radio systems (IRS), which have been constructed according to the modular approach. The purpose of the work is the terms’ reduction and efficiency upgrading of the designe choice by using adopted modules of high productive preparation as element of IRS’s structure.
Methodology of the proposed engineering conception is based on the integration of the various dedicated CAD in the unified design cycle, which includes system model’s forming, system engineering on the signal level, covering the structural elements IRS with the modules of high productive preparation, input rating and ranking of structural vary according to the input parameter. As a mathematic base of tasks solving should be used strict hierarchical Petri-net,which allow to provide adequate introduction IRS on the different levels of functional hierarchion. Data-driven design of the design cycle is completed by the system of informational support (SIS). By information content SIS is above the standard PDM-systems, as SIS integrate the information of diverse task-orientated CAD ( schematic, constructive).
The principle result of the work is the route of the system designing automation, which is based on the integration of the task-oriented CAD, which allows the usage of the modules of high productive preparation in the project.
As the application domain may be informative, radiotechnical, electronic and others systems, which based on the modularity.
Consequentle introduced conception of the automation of the system engineering IRS, which based on the integration of the diverse task-oriented CAD in the unified design cycle IRS, provides efficiency upgrading of the IRS engineering due to the consumption of modules of high productive preparation.
automation of the system engineering, informing radio systems, approach modular accord, Petri nets, high productive preparation modulesReferences
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