Analysis of ways to decrease the visibility of the air intakes in the radar wavelength

Electronics, Radio and Communications
1*, 2**1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Company «Tupolev», 17, nab. Akademika Tupoleva, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Air intake devices are one of the main elements of jet engines and aircraft as a whole. In forming the design of the aircraft for intake to meet the following requirements: minimum external resistance , minimal pressure loss during braking flow in the channel , the uniformity of the velocity field and the pressure at the inlet of the engine , the stability of the process air flow , simple structure, low weight , cost and dimensions, low radar cross section (RCS).
The presence of input devices and air ducts in air-breathing jet engines causes a large number of possible layout schemes, the design and layout appearance of the aircraft.
In forming the shape of the aircraft can be solved following problems associated with air intake devices: the definition of rational shape, number, layout, ways to reduce RCS and optimum design parameters.
These problems can be solved by simultaneously solving problems at three levels:
- Tactical feasibility studies of technical specifications for the design of the aircraft;
- Formation of technical proposals for the appearance of a known TOR;
- Conceptual design.
In this paper we formulate the problem of structural and parametric synthesis of design solutions to reduce RCS of the air sampling devices based on complex technical and economic criteria and its particular forms. Proposed a matrix of alternative technical solutions for stealth air intake devices and their design parameters. The structural logic of structural and parametric synthesis image of the aircraft developed. Presented block diagram analysis of the preferred embodiments of masking devices, taking into account their impact on aerodynamic, energy, ballistic characteristics of the aircraft, on the weight, cost, performance visibility and efficiency of the aircraft. Introduced the technique of assessing RCS of air-intake devices. Conducted research on the impact of technical solutions for masking air-intake devices and their design parameters on the RCS.
aircraft design, turbojet engine, air intake, stealth, radar cross sectionReferences
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