Optimization of algorithms for onboard radio-electronic equipment diagnostics

Electronics, Radio and Communications


Zakirov R. G.

Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Raikhon Beruni, 2, University str., Tashkent,100095, Uzbekistan

e-mail: zrg1980@mail.ru


Development of onboard avionics systems on the way of integration in a single complex requires the creation of more advanced methods of their diagnostics. Among existing methods, the half split, or dichotomy method, is the most widely used nowadays. The analysis identified the main disadvantage of this method is to ignore the probability of failure existing in any part of the system.

Algorithm of troubleshooting of the ladder-type system can be improved by using of known computing mathematics methods of functions optimization, where the search strategy is to find applicable point that is optimal in case of using of the Fibonacci series to build a sequence of iterations.

Application of the optimal Fibonacci method for optimization of troubleshooting in ladder-type system is in division of the system to such parts that ratio of quantity of elements included in each to be the same as adjacent numerals in Fibonacci series.

The imperfection of the above-mentioned method is that proportion of system division depends on the troubleshooting step number and therefore has to be recalculated again at each step. In this case, instead of the optimal Fibonacci method, the method using golden section is offered. Based on analysis, it is concluded that quantity of measurements by using golden section method is 4 percent less than in the case of using dichotomy method.

The proposed troubleshooting method is very perspective for using in automatic diagnostic of avionics systems to optimize the time for troubleshooting if the quantity of elements of the system is large. The troubleshooting algorithm built on proposed method will reduce the average quantity of measurements during avionics system troubleshooting. It is also possible to combine proposed method with others to improve overall efficiency.


diagnostic system, multilink system, Fibonacci sequence, dichotomy method, optimization, algorithm


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