Analysis of the ways to improve the environmental performance of the boosters

Space technics and technology
1*, 2**1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
In modern conditions the reduction in funding for space programs, the significant cost of the launch vehicle, cutting production of launch vehicles and spacecraft, the tasks of creating and maintaining a normal part of space-based communications, navigation, missile warning and etc. are connected with difficulties and the risk of non-compliance.
In recent years there is much tension around the issue of environmental safety in restricted zones and areas allocated for receiving separated parts of carrier rockets. It is connected with the fact that after the fall on the Earth’s surface there is a possibility for spill of rocket fuel components, which are currently characterized as highly toxic. One of the most dangerous is the heptyl.
The effect of heptyl on the environment, as well as to the life expectancy, pathology and serious illness of population living close to areas allocated for receiving the separated parts of carrier rockets is analyzed.
The main existing approaches to improving environmental safety based on decontamination, neutralization, as well as localization of straits zones are described.
The basic ways to improve environmental safety are proposed as follows:
- ensuring the fall of separated parts in a given areas;
- burning the residues of fuel components in the rocket stages during the passive flight;
- usage of more ecological fuel for rockets refueling;
- residues discharge of rocket fuel components from separating parts of rockets.
A comparative analysis of the proposed methods is carried out. Each of the discussed methods has a number of advantages and disadvantages; most of them require some structural improvements of the launch vehicle and its component parts.
launch vehicle, spacecraft, separable part, impact area, components of rocket fuel, enviromentReferences
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