Analysis of control algorithms of adaptive network data transmission by local parameters


Borodin V. V.*, Petrakov A. M.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



At the present time to effectively control the aircraft are used in communication systems to interact not only with the ground control, but also for data exchange between aircraft. Each aircraft is both the source and relay messages. An important feature of the data network in this case is the dynamic change of network configuration and no external configuration mechanisms. It should also be noted relatively small lifetime of the network in the same configuration.
Communication network providing communication between mobile objects with dynamically changing configuration has been termed adaptive networks

The proposed work deals with the problem of analysis of control algorithms that ensure high network efficiency based on the analysis of only local parameters that each node can determine yourself.

The paper discusses four methods of managing network random access to puncture synchronous Aloha. Analysis of management methods is based on a simulation model.
The first method takes into account the average network traffic and the number of nodes in the network. For each value of traffic and the number of nodes is determined by the optimal repetition period.

The second method uses to change the repetition period of the current number of retransmissions. When it reaches a certain level, the period increases with each new re-transmitting the packet. In case of successful transmission of the repetition period is reduced. For this method, the optimum rate of increase and decrease of the repetition period and the threshold for the number of retransmissions.

The third method uses to change the repetition period of the current network load. In the case of distortion of the package, the repetition period is increased to an appropriate current load limits. This limit value of the repetition period is determined from the condition of ensuring the minimum transfer time is only possible for this network the number of nodes. For a successful packet transmission, the repetition period is reduced.

The fourth method is a combination of the second and third methods of control. When the distortion of the package, the repetition period is gradually increased, but only up to the boundary values.

The simulation results show that in the whole range of traffic and the number of nodes the best features of the fourth, the combined method of control. Amongst the top three management methods at low and medium traffic is the second best method of control, and at high traffic and a large number of nodes, the best is the third method of control.


telecommunication technology aircraft systems, aviation systems and data communications, intelligent network management, random multiple access


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