Methods of numerical simulation of vibration of the liquid rocket engine axial booster pump

Aircraft engines and power generators
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The problem of reducing the hydrodynamic vibration of pumps of LRE feed system is the key issue to improve the reliability and service life of propulsion unit. In this regard, the actual task is modeling pressure pulsations in the flow path and the pump hydrodynamic vibration at early stages of turbo pump unit design. The article deals with numerical simulation of three-dimensional unsteady turbulent flow in the booster pump unit of liquid rocket engine. The analysis completed of the spectrum composition of pressure pulsations occurring in the flow path of the pump unit. It is found that pressure pulsations spectrum at the outlet of the working screw includes the tonal component on the blade passing frequency (BPF) and its harmonics. At the screw inlet pressure pulsations spectrum tonal components with rotor frequency and BPF dominate. It is found that pressure pulsations at the screw exit is the result of rotor-stator hydrodynamic interaction; pressure pulsations at the screw inlet are generated by the uneven pressure field, which is enhanced by hydrodynamic interaction of wakes from pylons terminated by the radial gap leakage flow from passing screw blades. Numerical modeling of the pump casing vibration begins with definition natural modes and frequencies of mechanical oscillations. Modeling of the forced vibrations of structural elements and the pump casing ensures assignment of distributed dynamic loads from the pressure pulsations. Comparison of the computational results and experimental data suggests that the proposed approach can be used by designers when developing pump units.
axial screw pump, pressure pulsations, finite volume method, three-dimensional flow modeling, LRE booster pump unit, spectrum composition, natural modes, forced oscillations, BPFReferences
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