Methods of high technology products’ serial and pilot production capacity level optimization (on example of satellite communication equipment)

Radio engineering


Koteshkov M. A.*, Dobrov V. P.*, Klochkov V. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this article we consider the problem of optimizing the production capacity of the serial and pilot manufacturing of high-tech products characterized by urgent and unpredictable nature of orders, and the need for prompt release of prototypes and pilot batches of products for testing and debugging.

To optimize the level of capacity and equipment performance in the field of serial production we propose an adapted model of multi-channel queuing system with a queue. Among the losses due to expectation lags are also taken into account logistic losses caused by storage of expensive component and work in progress. We optimize both the number of service channels and their characteristics (from a discrete set of options), which allows to optimize the parameters of the production equipment and technology, and to assess the effectiveness of flexible equipment and technology implementation. We compose a model of a new product release process consisting of two stages: the development of pilot production and mastering of serial production. We take into account that the latter costs less. We formulate a problem of finding the optimal ratio of the serial and pilot production levels.

Using the developed mathematical models and optimization methods, we carry out parametric calculations using measurable technological parameters one of the high-tech industries. It is shown that in this industry even a significant redundancy of capacity of serial production (up to 20-50%) may be optimal, and such a redundancy allows to increase the expected profits of enterprises for a 10-20%, and to reduce significantly (30-50%) the orders execution duration. The optimal level of pilot productions’ capacity can reach 20-50% with respect to mass production, but only under the condition that pilot production provides a significant — 3-5 times — reducing the time of pilot batches production, and the increase in costs will not exceed 20-30%, compared with mass production.

The developed methods and models require only measurable initial data and can be used in various industries to optimize the level of production capacity, characteristics of the production equipment and technology.


production facilities, prototype and mass production, modeling, optimization, queueing system


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