The impact of environmental regulations on the development aircraft engine manufacturing

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Metechko L. B.1*, Tihonov A. I.2**, Sorokin A. E., Novikov S. V.3***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
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The topic of the article, which is closely linked to the environmental criteria of Russian aviation industry, was chosen not only because of the considerations of the aviation Institute profile and the professional specialization of the authors, but, mostly, due to the relevance of the innovations and knowledge-based areas defined by the Governmental Commission on modernization and technological development of the economy in Russia.

The article analyze the impact of a toughened environmental regulations on profit growth and the development of knowledge-intensive industries, such as aircraft engine industry.

In order to perform a sustainable research we used mathematical models of the development processes and interaction between the ecological and economical requirements in primary and secondary markets of the high-tech industries.

The subjects of the mathematical modeling data were the calculations of the maximum and minimum periods of the environmental standards revision needed to revive the demand on the aircraft engine manufacturing market and to maintain the optimal marginal values of the aircraft manufacturers and companies engaged in air transportation.

The presence of the secondary market of science-intensive production allows to harmonize the interests of aircraft manufacturers seeking to increase the demand for their products, and consumers of those products. The companies that are engaged in the air transportation decrease their losses on the technical issues during forced updates caused by the new environmental standards.

Based on the results obtained, we have formulated several findings about possible harmonization of the environmental and economical interests of the participants of aeronautical engineering and aircraft operation.

The similarities in the development patterns of the aviation engineering market and market development of the high-tech industries and other innovation clusters were found.

Finally, we propose a list of important directions to the future scientific research and construction work in the field of aeronautical engineering based on the analysis performed.

The obtained findings regarding the impact of toughened environmental requirements in the environmental cluster development process on the aviation engine building can be applicable and useful to predict the development of other areas of innovation.


Aircraft engine, aerospace industry, environmental protection, environmental regulations, economic demands, international civil aviation organization, emissions, noise, effective perceived noise level


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