Optimization of schemes and modes of filling pressure feed system components of rocket fuel for testing of combustion chambers the rocket lpe

Control and testing of flying vehicles and their systems


Galeev A. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: Galant1992@mail.ru


The creation of promising LPE for upper stages and upper stages of launch vehicles working on the components of rocket fuel (CRF) (liquid oxygen and hydrogen, kerosene, liquefied natural gas, etc.), requires a large amount of offline testing of units and systems in experimental units (EU) of the test bench.
A pressure feed system (PFS) the CRF, as the most simple device with high operational reliability, for testing of combustion chambers and gas generators are the most promising LPE acceptable, so consideration of problems of optimization of schemes and modes of fueling supply system — relevant.
Based on the analysis of the operation of the PFS are considered sequential and series-parallel layout of the cylinders.
The first scheme is the simplest in terms of technology, but has a significant drawback in the uneven development of the component to 25 %.

When performing serial-parallel connection of the cylinders to the reservoir pressurization and issue of uneven development will decrease in 2 times and will amount to ~ 12.5 %, which would increase the duration of test at 12 — 15 % when the feed system.
The duration of the test in the operation of displacing the joint venture in case of using cryogenic propellants will be largely determined also by the modes of cooling and filling of the balloon component of the system and quality insulation.

On the basis of consideration of processes of heat exchange of a cylinder with a cryogenic component and the environment, and the generalized dependence of the Nusselt criterion from the criteria of Reynolds and Prandtl justified method technologies balloon filling systems for increasing the length of the test combustion chamber.

Thus, the expediency of application of a series-parallel configuration of the cylinders in the PFS and the technology fueling systems cryogenic component in three stages: charging, exposure, refueling.


components of rocket fuel, combustion chamber, experimental units, pressure-feed system, tests


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