Improving the effectiveness of the useful task of modern maneuverable aircraft

Information and measuring and control systems


Pavlova N. V.*, Smeyukha A. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The range of problems solved by modern multi-functional aircrafts constantly expanding. These circumstances make it necessary to develop new on-board algorithms, particular using the methods of artificial intelligence. Design of current and promising methods require evaluation of their efficiency, which makes it necessary to use new modes in the process. One of the most important stages at the introduction of new onboard algorithms is simulation, in which the comparison of various algorithms and implementing their programs and assesses their effectiveness. In the article estimates based on modern methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as results of their use in the evaluation of the effectiveness in the simulation of the stand HIL.

Modern maneuverable aircraft must solve the problem of resource allocation and management task such as multi-criteria problem of recognition with it using artificial intelligence techniques. Solution of such problems by using a strictly mathematical description and on the basis of on-board resources is often impossible. These circumstances make it necessary to develop new on-board algorithms. The introduction of modern and advanced method requires the evolution of their performance, which makes it necessary to use new methods. Article focuses in the use of new approaches based on the methods of probability theory allow more objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of useful tasks.


maneuverable aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle, onboard algorithms, flight mission, confidence interval, efficiency


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