The assessment of the impact of the wind vortex structures arising from the flow of the mountainous relief on the plane approaching the landing

Aerodynamics and heat-exchange processes in flying vehicles


Zudov K. A.*, Kudrov M. A.**, Malyutkina K. I.***, Kharchilava Y. E.****

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT), 16, Gagarin St., Zhukovsky,140180, Russia



Aircraft landing is one of the most difficult flight stages in the conditions of mountain relief. The most frequently happening accidents are caused by human factor. Therefore, additional attention is required to the training of pilots flying in the mountainous terrain. First of all, it is about training pilots on flight simulators. The main advantage of using the flight simulator as the training is the safety of the emergency situations working off, which is extremely dangerous in a real flight.

For flight simulators the simulation of the air currents in the mountainous area of an airfield is an important point in the formation of the aircraft landing conditions on the mountain airfield.

In this article the method to determine the most dangerous conditions of the landing approach of the aircraft in the mountainous terrain was described, as the assessment of the impact of the wind vortex structures arising from the flow of the mountainous terrain. The estimation was made on the basis of the data obtained in the course of calculation of the parameters of the wind vortex structures for the Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport.

The article aims to create a scientific and technological advance in the field of developing the technical equipment for flight personnel training, as well as in the modernization of existing ones. The results, which are given in the article, can be used to improve the level of the pilots training by doing aircraft landing in the conditions of the mountainous airfield. The importance of this problem is due to the need to improve the safety of the aircraft landing.


the safety of flight, mountainous airfield, vortex structures, aircraft landing


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