One-sided pulsed heating of cylindrical shell of variable thickness

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Gorunov A. V.*, Molodoznikova R. N., Prokofev A. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The work is devoted to the first stage of solving linear decoupled quasi-static problem of thermoelasticity for a circular cylindrical shell of variable thickness — the study of the temperature field during the heat pulse of radiant heat flux fr om an infinitely distant source of radiation. The thickness of the shell changes smoothly along the taper near the ends. Between design and the environment comes convective heat transfer by Newton’s law.

Plane-parallel pulsed heat flux falling on the shell perpendicular to its axis of rotation. The ambient temperature in the considered time interval and temperature of the shell at the initial time equal to zero.

The solution of the problem carried out in two stages: first, the temperature field of design during pulse heating , and then after the cessation of the heat pulse.

It is believed that the conditions are met


wh ere * and * - the coefficients of the temperature- and thermal conductivity of shell material, respectively, * - is its thickness, *  – is the coefficient of heat transfer from the structure to the environment. This allows you to take the assumption of a uniform heating of the shell during pulsed heating and subsequent cooling.

The process of heat conduction by the district to coordinate both stages of the solution of the problem can be neglected when


( R — the shell radius, * - the pulse duration ).

The case when the shell thickness decreases with the distance from the end face according to the exponential law. Using Laplace transform the problem of determining the temperature field after instantaneous pulse heating. The calculations showed that when


* valid neglect of the process of heat conduction along the axial coordinate. The proposed asymptotic dependence for calculation of temperature fields during pulse heating and subsequent cooling of the shell. These techniques ensure sufficient for practical calculations, the accuracy in the analysis of thermal processes in the elements of thin-walled aircraft structures.


shell of variable thickness, temperature field, convective heat transfer, radiant heat flux, the Laplace transform, asymptotic solutions, aircraft


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