Software platform for the organization and operation of wireless sensor networks of different classes of topologies

Computing machinery, complexes and computer networks


Belkin V. D.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Research work is devoted to the study of the principles of organization and functioning of the wireless sensor network (WSN) and creating tools for its implementation. The main goal of this work is to create a software platform to enable the application of WSN.

The first task of the research is devoted to the development of a tool for configuration of a workplace of the programmer on a UNIX-like operating systems that provides: 1) the development of applications for WSN nodes, 2) reprogramming the central microprocessor of the node, 3) debug your application. The result of solving the first problem is the first module of the software platform.

The second objective of the research is dedicated to the creation of the second module, the elements of which govern the functioning of the hardware components of the experimental nodes EVB8871. Collectively this module allows you to manage the components of WSN: to run the program a central microprocessor host to control power modes, to configure the timers, clock switches, LEDs, sensors, etc. in Other words, this module performs the basic functions of the operating system.

The third objective of the research is dedicated to the creation of a third module responsible for the transceiver. As transceiver nodes EVB8871 equipped with a chip Texas Instruments CC2520, which is a ZigBeeTM/IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver of the second generation, specially designed for RF applications in the 2.4 GHz band. This chip is an independent processor, which should be controlled to perform the desired action. The third module includes configuring a transceiver and an implementation of a stack of communication protocols which are the basis for the organization and functioning of WSN. From all levels of the protocol stack is of particular interest for the network because it is responsible for initializing the network, the interaction between the nodes and the further functioning of the network, i.e. its ability to self-organize.

Thus, a software framework for application development of BSS includes three modules that are implemented during the research work.

Speaking about the results, it should say on their broad spectrum of applications: aerospace, automation of buildings, transport infrastructure, medicine, defense and security. Part of the work aimed at conceptual development of the ideas applied projects aimed at solving acute problems in one area or another.


wireless sensor networks, sensors, radio transmission, IEEE 802.15.4


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  4. IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart — IAR-KICKSTART — TI Software Folder. URL:

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  7. Ginzburg I.B., Padalko S.N. Trudy MAI, 2015, no. 82:

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