An acoustic direction finder development

Image and sound conversion devices and principles


Tikhomirov A. V.*, Ivanov M. S.**, Omel'yanchuk E. V.***

National Research University of Electronic Technology "MIET", 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, 124498, Russia



In article the principle of operation of an acoustic direction finder is considered, the method of computation of temporal determination is defined, assessment of the required sampling time is made for hardware-software implementation of a digital part of an acoustic direction finder. It is shown that the level of development of the modern component basis for acoustic devices allows to reduce significantly their overall dimensions and to increase the accuracy of temporal determination. Thus, the possibility of effective combination of acoustic sensors with units of digital signal processing is available. It allows to increase number of at the same time analysable acoustic channels. The purpose of this article is determination of requirements to sampling time in case of hardware-software implementation of a digital part of an acoustic direction finder.

The specified principle of operation of a direction finder is based on computation of an azimuth of the purpose in delivered on distance of a basis two the direction finding of devices. Each of devices is defined a difference of the course of the sound wave coming to each of sensors and value of a lateral angle is calculated. On the basis of the direction finding method considered in article the distance to the purpose is calculated.

As a result of the taken laboratory measurements frequency rate of sampling in case of which the accuracy of determination of a lateral angle not worse 3 ° is reached was defined.

Search of the methods allowing to expand dynamic range of the researched loudspeaker system when saving the specified accuracy of determination of a lateral angle can be the direction of further researches.


acoustic direction finder, basis of the direction finder device, temporal determination, lateral angle, sampling rate


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