Calculation of the is intense-deformed condition of a wing of the supersonic plane with a defeat means

Strength and thermal conditions of flying vehicles


Makarov L. K.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



For modern warplanes essential complication and expansion of a circle of solved problems is characteristic. At the same time conditions of their operation become complicated: flights are made in a broad band of altitudes and speeds, with various versions of loading on external, including, suspension points. The listed features demand profound studying and an estimation of the is intense-deformed condition (NDS) of configuration items of the plane as a whole and outer wings in particular.

Researches of the NDS of the plane on the basis of the conventional approaches which appreciably are based on land and flight experiments, becomes more and more expensive, labour-consuming and long, and, in some cases, and impossible on safety conditions. The numerical methods using modelling of a design of the plane in the form of beam and balochno-lamellar schemes [1], have limitations at NDS calculation. Now the increasing role is played by the new approaches based on wide application of modern numerical methods and computer technologies [2,3].

In the known literature [4,5] at calculation of the NDS of a wing with aviation means of defeat (ASP) the interference between them is not considered. Nevertheless, between a wing of the plane and подкрыльевым ASP there is the significant interference interaction characterised by presence of horizontal, vertical and lateral interference forces [6,7,8]. Significant on value interference forces lead to occurrence in a wing additional bending and torques that essentially changes its NDS. Thus, working out and application of the techniques, allowing to consider influence of interference interaction between a wing and ASP on the wing NDS, is an actual problem.

In the present activity results of an estimation of reliability of calculation in program ANSYS of parameters of the NDS of an outer wing of the plane are presented at supersonic speeds without aviation launching sites (APU) and with them, executed by comparison of experimental and computational values. Besides, results of research of influence of an interference on the outer wing NDS are presented at various rules ASP underneath the wing.


supersonic flight, the aerodynamic interference, the is intense-deformed condition, elastic wing, computational complex ANSYS, reliability


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  2. Rybaulin A.G., Sidorenko A.S. Trudy MAI, 2015, no. 79:

  3. Polonik E.N., Surenskii E.A., Fedotov A.A. Trudy MAI, 2016, no. 86:

  4. Strigunov V.M. Raschet samoleta na prochnost’ (Raschet of the plane on durability), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1984, 376 p.

  5. Dmitriev V. G, Tchizhov V.M. Dmitriev V.G., Chizhov V.M. Osnovy prochnosti i proektirovanie silovoi konstruktsii letatel’nykh apparatov (Osnovy durabilities and designing of a power design of flying machines), Moscow, TsAGI, 2005, 416 p.

  6. Aerodinamicheskaya interferentsiya samoletov-nositelei i podvesnykh gruzov. Obzor ONTI TsAGI № 652 (The Aerodynamic interference of planes-carriers and pendant cargoes. The review of ONTI CAGI № 652), Moscow, TsAGI, 1985, 129 p.

  7. Skirda I.A., Shtokolov L.A. Nauchno-metodicheskie materialy po aerodinamike letatel’nykh apparatov, Moscow, VVIA imeni N.E. Zhukovskogo, 1982, pp. 58-68.

  8. Popytalov S.A., Saltykov S.N. Nauchno-metodicheskie materialy po aerodinamike letatel’nykh apparatov, Moscow, VVIA imeni N.E. Zhukovskogo, 1985, pp. 201-204.

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