Hydro-pulse-jet cleaning-out and aircraft liquid systems and components working cavities pollution control

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Krovjakov V. B.*, Romanov A. A.**, Koroteev A. Y.***, Yalpaev A. A.****

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: vlkrov@ramblerl.ru
**e-mail: qutbeast@mail.ru
***e-mail: aleksandr.koroteev@mail.ru
****e-mail: antonyalpaev@yandex.ru


Solving the problems of industrial purity (IP) of fluid systems and components (FSC) working cavities, and implementation of working and process liquids (WPL) of aircraft (AC) can significantly reduce consumption of liquidsю It also increases reliability and service life of onboard equipment (as a consequence, improves the flights safety); reduces the aircraft maintenance and servicing time (as a consequence, increases the aircraft combat readiness); reduces the complexity of maintenance.

The object of research in this entry are the methods and means of ensuring aircraft FSC working cavities IP.

The purpose of research consists in developing technological solutions and advanced hardware designs for effective treatment and control of contamination level of oil, fuel, hydraulic systems and components.

Research subject refers to the priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation: NoNo 5, 7, 8, 9, and to basic critical technologies in the Russian Federation: NoNo 1, 24, 27 (Presidential Decree of 07.07.2011, No 899).

During scientific research the authors carried out the following: analysis of the existing and prospective methods and means of cleaning-out and its quality control. They defined the trends for cleaning-up efficiency enhancement and its control validity. Cleaning-up technology consisting in FSCs’ internal cavities bleeding (with pressure and velocity fluctuations) was defined as a basic one.

The obtained in the presented study significant positive effect on quality and duration of the cleaning-up process is achieved due to the fact that unlike existing technologies, the developed hydro-pulse technology realizes the non-steady fluid flow mode by periodic change of flow rate from zero to the value, effective for specific cleaning system without creating fluid pressure fluctuations (patent RF 1568343). Compared to domestic and foreign counterparts, this technology allows 2 to 3 class (according to GOST 17216-2001) quality improvement and 5 to 7 times cleaning process duration reduction, up to 10 times liquid systems and assemblies plunger resource increase.

FSC IP level control is one of the most important manufacturing operations. It defines aircraft tolerance for use according to the drive parameters on one hand, and the aircraft manufacture, repair and maintenance on the other hand. It defines the moment of the FSA cleaning operation process termination, which occupies a significant portion of the total of the works on their service duration.

For complicated spatial geometrical parameters of aircraft FSA internal cavities relevant Regulations foresee execution of their pollution indirect control ‒ measuring the contaminants concentration in the outflowing fluid from the controlled FSA during bleeding in the rinse mode and operation mode. In these circumstances, special attention should be paid to liquid sample drawing process.

To improve the reliability of the liquid sampling the authors developed and and proposed methodologies and design solutions of sampling devices (SD) along the lines of:

– full flow SDs, ensuring isokinetic sampling, as maximally identical to the object of analytical control, from which it was sel ected for use in ground bench (test, developmental, washing) equipment;

– needle type SDs constructively with minimal weight and size fit to normalized elements of aircraft FSA reinforcement pipe systems, for their accommodation directly at the aircraft onboard systems, in coordination with the aircraft developers.

The presented technological and design solutions are cross-industry and cross-samples value and apply to all objects of weapons, military and special equipment, containing in its design, fluid (oil, power, hydraulic, fuel, etc.) systems and units.

The equipment developed in cource of the presented work is implemented in the OJ-SS “NIIASPK” serial products manufacturing (aviation industry), technical Adoption Deed of 21.04.2016, the results of the research on the technologies development implemented in Academy research effort and aviation industry, including those carried out by the State contract fr om 09.01.2014, No 14411.17B9999.18.001 for PAO "NPK"Irkut", the Adoption Deed of 17.03.2016, 01.06.2016 r .; in the educational process of the Academy, Adoption Deed of 01.06.2016 (the Implementation and Realization Acts are included).


industrial purity, liquid systems and components working cavities, workers and process liquids, aircraft, maintenance, sampling devices


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