Space system reflectors’ metallization selection for orbital Earth surface lighting

Innovation technologies in aerospace activities


Starovoitov E. I.

Radio Engineering Corporation “VEGA”, 34, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 121170, Russia



Energy consumption growth continues worldwide and human activities negative consequences are manifested in ever-increasing degree. Electric power generation for the nighttime lighting leads to heavy consumption of hydrocarbon fuel. The negative consequences for the ecology can be reduced by dint of space technologies, using reflected sunlight for the nighttime lighting. The article analyzes spectrum of reflected Sun radiation from metallic coatings of various types of reflectors’, used in the space system for orbital Earth surface lighting. It is known by now that artificial lighting can disrupt at night photo-biological reactions of various living bodies, including humans. The short-wavelength spectrum region should be pointed out specially, featuring pronounced photo-biological effect. Thus, the author suggests to reduce the reflected Sun radiation flux in short-wavelength region (ultraviolet radiation and blue color), exerting the strongest biological effect. To ease the load on operator’s visual organs and reduce the undesirable effect on ecology, various metallic coatings are recommended for use in the orbital lighting system. Five types of metallic coatings for space reflector, namely aluminum, silver, titanium, copper and golden, were considered in the article. Reflectors with silver coating are suitable for ultraviolet radiation reduction (0.28–0.38 mcm) in reflected radiation, and for ultraviolet radiation reduction (0.28–0.38 mcm) and lighting by blue color(0.44—0.48 mcm) reflectors with copper and golden coatings can be used. At the same time, taking into account the entire set of requirements, titanium coating is optimal choice of reflector coating.


orbital lighting, reflector, metal coating, spectrum, ecology


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